damn neighbors are bitches


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So the pass couple weeks my neighbors been yelling at me every time i passed by saying "slow down!!!." I only go between 20-30mph on neighborhood streets. So one day, I left to grab some lunch and as i passed by they yelled again, saying the same s**t. So i went to grab lunch came back and they had 2 cones on the road one on each side. (causing you to go through the middle of the cones slowing down your vechicle). So my friend filed a police report about the cones. Cops came that day and basicaly said "you can't put your cones there." After a week later there was a speed detector on the road. ( i guess they started bitching alot cause they thought i was speeding). But it's been 2 weeks now and the speed detector is gone and i just passed by their house going 25-30 and now him and this woman across the man's house (that ran over her kid last year and died) starting bitching again as i passed by. dumb ass neighbors


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Wait explain the run over kid part again?


D-Series Soldier
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Just go slower when you pass by there houses so then can stop b****ing...:what: Damn she ran over her own kid, what is she stupid???...


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You should probably drive slow when driving through residential neighborhoods. People have children. They're not stupid, they're trying to protect their kids. Try to understand THEIR point of view, and maybe you won't think so negatively of them.


New Member
You should probably drive slow when driving through residential neighborhoods. People have children. They're not stupid, they're trying to protect their kids. Try to understand THEIR point of view, and maybe you won't think so negatively of them.
Is it really all that hard to slow down going ~15 for that 1 block?
You would avoid them bitching at you, and wont have to worry about running someone's kid who is running after a ball across the street.


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I personally think 25-30mph is too fast for a neighborhood. Reaction time+hard braking+30pmh=hit kid when they chase a ball into the street or take off for whatever reason. Plus, if your car is lowered it makes you SEEM like you're going faster in a neighborhood b/c they see your car bouncing along.

I'm not really sure why you're complaining when people are concerned about their family's safety..


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Slow your ass down ,no one wants to see your stupid civic flying down the road. If you hit my kid. I'd fking kill you


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just slow down and grow up, people are trying to protect their families, quit your b****ing and just slow down for your safety, kids safety and to get those people to stop complaining about you speeding

edit: at least they arent bitching that all your friends have subies, muscle cars, and anything with a loud exhaust. I was told im not allowed to have friends over my house because our exhausts are too loud

got traction

i rock the sohc
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I agree with everyone else. slow down, quit being a douche. Even though the speedlimit on unmarked roads is 25, you dont need to be doing that through a neighborhood with children playing.


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Every time I drive down a neighborhood road i think of a kid running between cars and out in front of me. I saw this happen when I was young. Now, having a child of my own I know someone would die if someone hurt my seed. On the other hand, people just look for things to b***h about. Do like 5 mph past there house and throw it in neutral and hit the rev limiter lol.


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Every time I drive down a neighborhood road i think of a kid running between cars and out in front of me. I saw this happen when I was young. Now, having a child of my own I know someone would die if someone hurt my seed. On the other hand, people just look for things to b**** about. Do like 5 mph past there house and throw it in neutral and hit the rev limiter lol.
and then they call the cops for excessive noise. :roll:


New Member
Lol I agree in some parts. But I look for Children playing in their yards and such and I do slow down when I see them. But the fact that no kids are outside I still gotta drive 10mph? I mean they stick out their heads out of their door and tells me slow down. And when that lady ran over her kid she backed into him.


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Guys gotta remember, he is 19 and an expert driver. Been driving for years and knows when children are out and about playing in yards.

We should be going to him for advice on driving. Not giving him any.


Has no filter
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Guys gotta remember, he is 19 and an expert driver. Been driving for years and knows when children are out and about playing in yards.

We should be going to him for advice on driving. Not giving him any.

Detroit ricer

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whats the speed limit? and if you are within the speed limit i dont see the problem if their kid gest run over, which i hope never happens to anyone, its their fault for not looking after him and the parents should be responsible,


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^^^ Yup no need to yield to pedestrians you're right

Detroit ricer

New Member
thats not what im saying , driving in neighborhoods you should be cautious and within speed limit, but they shouldnt have to harass you everyday and make you drive slower than a moving skateboard , accidents do occur unfortunately , and sometimes its not always the drivers fault, but the parents just being irresposible.


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Guys... We've all done stupid s**t in our lives. Some people just need to learn on their own whether it be the easy way or hard way.


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Guys gotta remember, he is 19 and an expert driver. Been driving for years and knows when children are out and about playing in yards.

We should be going to him for advice on driving. Not giving him any.
Marry me?

I mean, nice one dude :thumbs up:

whats the speed limit? and if you are within the speed limit i dont see the problem if their kid gest run over, which i hope never happens to anyone, its their fault for not looking after him and the parents should be responsible,
Really? I mean....you're seriously trying to say that just because you are driving the speed limit, you can run people over and it's not your fault?? Go try it, tell us how it goes. I'll give you my phone number so you can call me from jail, because you certainly won't have access to a computer afterwards. When you're driving, you are responsible for anything in front of your car. You can literally drive 5mph, if you still hit a kid it's most likely going to be your fault unless they find it was an unavoidable accident.
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