Dawn of the Dead Trailer

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Boost or Die
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why is it, that whenever they need guns, and I mean LOTS of guns, there are never any around? I mean, if this takes place in the states, then there should be guns all over! I dont get it.


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gay, no gore, no special effects, same plot over and over. just some oatmeal on there faces and they walk around, just watch 28 days, that movie sucked but looks like it will be better than that movie


Movin on up...
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just saw that preview when I saw TORQUE and it looks frickin sweet. Remake of an old movie once again! You can probably find the original at your local video store. OLD SCHOOL!


From AK to AZ to AK to OR
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ill prolly go see the movie just for the hell of it. cuz my neighbor is obsessed with zombie type stuff, so hell drag me im sure. but it duznt look all that great ta me either


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Originally posted by djnoodle
gay, no gore, no special effects, same plot over and over. just some oatmeal on there faces and they walk around, just watch 28 days, that movie sucked but looks like it will be better than that movie
Same plot over, yeh... Its a re-make thats what they do =)
