distributor rotor button


93' Civic
So i was in the process of removing my distributor rotorcap to replace my ignition coil when i found out the screw holding it on is stripped, after a series of fails I've decided to bore it out with a drill and replace with her hardware, two questions, one is this a good idea and are there alternatives, and two, what kind of screen is holding it in so i can buy another one before i take it out. Thanks!2


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What screw are you drilling out? If you are talking about the set screw that goes through the rotor, that's a very bad idea.

What screen are you talking about?


93' Civic
Sorry I was typing this on my phone and auto correct changed screw tO screen and changed new to her, and yes it's the screw holding the rotor on, any ideas on what to do? It's completely stripped


Your Mom's Moderator
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Stripped as in threads (just spins in the hole) or the head is rounded?

If its rounded get some locking pliers on it and go to town. Have done a few in the past.

As far as what bolt, all the rotors I have purchased came with a new one if I remember right.


93' Civic
I bought the accel cap and rotor and i don't remember it coming with a bolt for the rotor, and the head is stripped and i tried vice grips on it and that only dug intrude sides of the screw and took away more material, i spent a good hour trying various ways of getting it out without having the drill it out and nos that's the only say i see fitting


Soak the screw in PB Blaster for an hour and then try again.

If necessary, remove the distributor and then use a Dremel tool to score a groove across the screw head. Then remove with a screw driver. No need to worry about destroying the rotor. You'll replace it anyway.


93' Civic
I tried that and a few other things last night ron, problem is that the screw is just so soft nothing is working, I've just decided ti get a whole new distributor anyways, i have ti get a new one regardless
