DIY install zex comp cams 59300 cam springs and retainers


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5+ Year Member
ok here it goes

starting to disassemble

be sure to clean valves and keep up with wich port they came from.
roll them on a flatt surface to see if they are straight

the sexy kit

one side done

gay ass spring compressor... just compress it and pull out the keepers .. they pretty much fall out themselves

Canon went for it everytime i put him on the floor

teaching him about a honda head

zex cam ready to go in....

lube up where the cam is going to seat with some assembly lube

simply place the cam in and make sure it is moving freely and that the cam seal is properly seated

next put on the rocker assembly and rtv where the ends are to make sure it seals

make sure all the arms are moving freely and are'nt caught on something

put the lost motion assembly on the rockers and put the bolts in place and hand tighten.. make sure ur lma's move freely oil them up...

tq the 12mm bolts to 14 ft lbs

and tq the 10mm bolts to 8.5 ft lbs

do them in the same order as head bolts

now adjust valve lash for zex cam its .007intake and .009exhaust

if you dont know how to do this search on

now your done


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5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
Nice, how much did it set you back?


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5+ Year Member
i get my parts at cost so about 450 total

for you it would set u back about 600 not a bad thing when u gain power up to 8500 and u can rev it there reliably
