dogs beheaded in madison county


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I used to live in madison county (indiana). I still work there. This was a local story this morning. I have a soft spot for dogs, so this kinda pissed me off...

Beheaded dogs found in creek
Updated: Feb 05, 2010 6:08 AM EST

Madison County - What police and animal control saw in the Fall Creek in Madison County, you may not want to see.

Sheriff Ron Richardson says, "Possibly Greyhounds. There are eight animals in the water. It looks like none have heads. Heads have been removed. We'll know more once we get them out of the water."

They were spotted when Joe Riley was on his way home about 5 p.m. Thursday. He pulled over, got out and looked into the creek for rocks for his pond at home.

Joe Riley says, "Found something I sure wasn't looking for. I still can't believe what I saw. It's crazy."

It's unclear how long the dogs were in the water. Blood still appears to be around the carcasses. And there may be more dog carcasses downstream.

Sheriff Richardson says, "If anybody knows anything about any group or persons that may be involved doing this type of thing to animals, contact the Sheriff's Department in Madison County."

"I've got two dogs that sleep with me. I love them very much. I just can't imagine this," said Joe Riley.
******************************************* there is a video but it doesnt show much...why would anyone chop the heads off dogs??


I get lost in your eyes..
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:( that sucks... who could do something like that? People like that should be Hung


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Thats just sick and wrong. I have two pit/heeler pups that are 5 months old. They are a pain sometimes but no way could i ever imagine hurting them in anyway. s**t, i feel bad enough when they have to go to the bathroom in the snow.


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i expect this out of third world countries where you would think people don't know right from wrong, or where they need to eat dogs to survive.... but this happpen in the next state over?? horrible horrible.


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Thats just sick and wrong. I have two pit/heeler pups that are 5 months old. They are a pain sometimes but no way could i ever imagine hurting them in anyway. s**t, i feel bad enough when they have to go to the bathroom in the snow.
agreed...sick. 2 pups @ 5 mo! You do have your hands full. ive never seen a pit / heeler mix that i know of. I have a pit / american bulldog mix. she's an 80 lb tank but sweet.


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i expect this out of third world countries where you would think people don't know right from wrong, or where they need to eat dogs to survive.... but this happpen in the next state over?? horrible horrible.
its a very popular walking / bike trail too. i used to ride it all the time. weird place to dump dogs.


Stickin it to the Man
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think we can rule out Michael Vick on this one.


I get lost in your eyes..
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I have 2 pit mixes also and if that ever happend to them i would absolutly go on a bounty hunt and do the same to whoever did it to my dogs i seriously woulnt care what punishment i got if it meant justice


I had a Civic once.
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That's extremely f**ked up.
