ebay low comp nippon pistons cheap....


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yes, I have searched and didn't come up with anything. I am curious about these pistons, I just don't know enough to tell if these a might be weak or strong or be crappy. Maybe someone has had some before, or more likely someone here know's enough to give an idea of the quality that these may be.

chrome rings instead of factory cast ones?
and it sounds like they are cast pistons, as they say they are not forged....


so i would be interested in what you guys think about these, I assume with how cheap they are, that they wouldn't be worth considering, but maybe someone here has some insight on this.

Inigo Montoya

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Don't trust shady eBay sales.

Contact FJT on HT and you will get some superb suzuki vitara pistons that fit in your D-series. $125 shipped, 8.5 C/R
