ECM fue keeps blowing up


Haters make me FAMOUS!
Registered VIP
i got a b18C5 swap in my 97 civic. i can tell the swap had some corners cut cus the wiring is really shitty. well, for the second time this week, my car blew a fuse. the fuse for the ECM. what could cause it to do this? when it blows, the car losing all power and even popping the clutch doesnt help. where would i even begin to search for a shirt circuit?


New Member
Registered VIP
try and replace the wiring harnass which should be an obd2


Haters make me FAMOUS!
Registered VIP
well i disconnected the shitty fog light wiring and i havent had any problems.also th wiring on the stereo was horribly done. crappy speaker wire was ran all over. since those issues have been fixed, havent had any problems. keeping my fingers crossed
