ecu problems


New Member
i have a 93 hatch dx. in all gears my car boggs down unless i floor it and the rpms are high then it drives

somewhat normal my engine light is on so i grabbed a paper clip and stuck it in the two wire connector i

turned the key to on position and the light stayed on. there was no flash and it did not go off i held the paper

clip in for a couple minutes and it stayed lit. when i took the paper clip out the light was off i started my car and

it came back on. i know that when its a long flash that means 10 which is the iat but it just stayed lit. my car

drove perfect last week any suggestions?

Jay Jay

Staff member
If your check engine light is on jumping the connector will cause it to flash. You might not have a good connection for the plug. Sometimes it takes a few tries to get a good connection if you are trying to hold it and turning the key.


New Member
thats what i thought but my friend held the clip to the connector while i turned the key we tried it 5 or 6 times


New Member
maybe im not at the right connector.its a blue 2 wire connector at the kick panel by the ecu correct?


New Member
i also have another question i want to do a swap i just need the stock motor to last a bit longer but whats the best swap for a budget of 25 hundred? i want hp but it is my daily driver maybe boost down the road.thanks for the suggestions

Jay Jay

Staff member
You would be better off starting a new thread so others that didn't look at this thread know you changed topic. A short answer would be a B18B, they are rather cheap and good with boost.


New Member
I looked at the link andi have 2 connectors both blue one conector had 3 wires black red stripe white with red stripe and light blue wire the other connector has 2 wires green white stripe and just a brown wire I tried the three connector and blew a fuse so im not sure
