Effectiveness of strut tower brace in '98 EK?


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Hey everyone, I was just hoping to get some opinions in regards to the effectiveness of a front strut tower brace. I just got my suspension redone and I'm addicted to the feeling of good handling, and I want more! :D I'm just looking for a couple mods where I can throw a couple hundred at the car and improve the handling a bit. Thanks everybody!

Front strut tower braces: yes/no?

Lower tie bars (front and rear): yes/no?

Sway bars (front and rear): yes/no?

I can't put a strut brace in the trunk because I have a sub back there XD


Fuel by Ramen
i say yes to all, including the trunk.


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The biggest gain you'll get from a single bar is a rear sway bar (19+MM) along with a subframe reinforcement brace (this is a must for 19+mm sway bars). You won't regret it at all.

2 point front strut bars are pointless. Get a 3-point. I noticed a difference in handling back when I had mine. I really want to get another one again and also try out a 4-point rear strut bar. But once you get a bigger rear sway bar, I think you have to upgrade the stock front sway bar to a bigger one as well. I still get a lot of understeer at higher speeds with just a rear sway bar.


Already RHD
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yes to all.
really improves handling. especially rear sway bars, asr rear lower brace and rear upper strut.
consequences: my friend got into an accident, a car rammed into the front of his car sideways at the front fender area.
the force ripped the mounts for both sides where the front strut bar is mounted.
