EG sedan or EJ8 ??


New Member
Ok so i have 2 cars,, i have a Freshly painted Eg sedan with a blown motor (i asume) cars had nothing but problems since i brought it and ive built it from the ground up,, and now ive recently brought a Ej8 thats a little rough around the edges with the looks but motor runs and works perfect doesnt miss a beat BUT everyone is telling me i should put the motor out of the coupe into the sedan and i dont want to ive always wanted a coupe,.. well and eg coupe (EJ2) but over her in Australia we cant have them due to laws and s**t so sucks.. but now ive falling inlove with my Ej8 and no one gets why i wanna keep it instead of swaping motors... i know im gonna have to spend a couple a grand to get it looking as nice as my eg but i think its worth it,,,,,, am i stupid for doing this or is everyone that doesnt get how rareish a civic coupe is in australia mean stupid,,, ????? so what im asking is should i keep the eg and d a motor swap or ditch it and built up the ej8 ??


boosted hx
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Why not keep both? Are you ona budget, if so you could sell the eg with no motor or put a new motor in it and sell it for way more.


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Thread moved to off topic because there isn't a tech question and it doesn't fit anywhere else.
