Ej8 300hp h22 Turbo Build, Tuned by Teknotik(56k NAY)


#1 Hater
5+ Year Member
Ill try to keep this short, about a month ago, I went to the track ran a 14.3 stock h22, blew the clutch and the shifter cables, seeing how its nearly impossible to change the clutch while the motor is in the car, so I had to pull it out, while the motor was out my buddy took me out for a spin in his b20T, right then I knew I wanted turboooooo.

The motor is a bone stock jdm h22, running low boost 7psi, at one point(for about 6 runs) it saw 12 psi till 4000 rpm, fukers sent me the wrong wg spring, anyways, we hit the dyno again today and Im more then impressed with the numbers we got. I was hoping for about 260whp. Stock the motor made 184 untuned. At the end of the day it made 302whp 243tq.

BIG thanks goes
-to my brother and buddy Chris helping to put this together, all done outside and some in a small crimped garage
-Teknotik, got most of the parts from them, great guys , Nick did an awsome job tunning the car.
-Also Thanks to SillySohc Jay for making me a sik Manifold and downpipe.
Heres the setup and pics.

jdm h22a(stock head+bottom)
t3't4 Borg Warner Turbo .70 .60 54trim
TopMount Manifold (sillysohc, well worth the money)
1000cc precision Injectors
3' Downpipe + Exaust
2.5 Ic Piping
38 mm Wg 7psi
255 Walbro Pump
24 12 3 Intercooler
Turbo XS RFL bov
XTD STage 4 Clutch

Motor getting ready to be pulled

All cleaned up

IC Mounting

Get to keep the foggies =)

At the dyno

The setup

The Numbers before(NA untuned) and after(tuned)

Couple extra SHots of me and my buddies car(b20T)


Jspec Ej6

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Very nice bro...and your car looks like the one i seen at the last meet i went to in CT, but i think it was an SI motor with a super charger.


New Member
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Very nice man, you should trade rims with your buddy for a day, see how they look on your car! good numbers, traction might be an issue, my friends turboed RSX only has 269 to the wheels and it spins uncontrollably through 1st 2nd and 3rd, nice car though and your homies sticker too


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daboyu978 said:
very nice, i like the way u hide the intercooler behind the grill
isnt it suppose to go there? or do u mean u how he left his grill instead of cutting it out for the ic??

King Bob

The life'o Riley
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bad ass man , awesome numbers. Traction must be a fun b***h with 243 tq. :D


2000 EM1 B16A2T
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both car look hot congrats on the numbers

96 DX Hatch

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Gorgeous :drool:

I want that damn manifold when I rebuild my GSR-T


Driving South
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very nice, that is a fat intercooler. red hatch is sweet too

Tap it

NA is Best!
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very nice numbers. car looks badass. (both cars) :thumbs up
only thing.... lower the front end?


JDM yo!
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10+ Year Member
looks great but wouldnt u want a like nice hood vent or something nothing ricey to vent some of that heat out??
