ohh man.. yeah I'm changing the wheels soon.. and yeah I'd love if u make me a sig... just send it to my e-mail.. oscar_425@msn.com .... keep those opinions coming..TheVTECPush said:YAY!!! CGP!!!!
The only thing I dont like is the wheels... Just something about them....
Also, I will definitely make you a new sig, that old one I made for you SUX!!!! That was from a LONG time ago...
thanx rey.. my first photoshoot...rey rey said:conyo Oscar nice pics lil bro!
magnaflowradarblips said:Could use a drop, but other than that I like it. What kind of exhaust is that?
I'll do that....Shiznit028 said:lookin good for a start. plans? my suggestion is to drop it first no matter what
couldnt have said it better myselfJezek Is Back said:wheels =
color =
Overall =
need a drop bro
krayziejcs said:looking good
you need to drop it and i'll look even better