Engine question?!?!?


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Aight, I was drivin to HEB to get some drinks when I realized that my "Maintenance Required" light was red. I always thought it was green, but it seemed different tonight... is there really something wrong with my car or am I just paranoyed? By the way, 98 CX hatch


OG スバリスト
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there's another thread that deals with this issue. the maintenance required light isn't really a light. you can reset it by putting your key in the lil slot by there. it is meant to roll from green to amber to red. it should turn red at about 7500mi after resetting. it's to remind you to change your oil and filter.


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Hey, this same thing happened to me, the gadge thing went from green to yellow, and now its red. My 96' ex runs just fine, but it says that "Maintenance is Required", wtf?!?!


OG スバリスト
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just reset it. put your key in the whole in ur gauge cluster.


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Clean! Thanx a bunch and sorry for starting a pointless thread that has already been discussed previously!


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i keep seeing people with the maint required things. i would like people to keep in mind that if they are not a technician and change there own oil ect and no professional ever touches the car it wouldnt hurt to have it checked out from time to time. skipping some of the maint can be very painfull, tbelt and water pump for instance.
