engine revving while passing by


New Member
hello to all I have been a long time civic owner, while I have always wished I could improve my car performance in every aspect of my car; because of my personal situation I at the moment am not able to do it.
anyway I know I am not supposed to ask questions here but this would not fit in any other category,
the thing is that whenever I am in my car cleaning it or simply ginving it service when kids pass by the street the rev their engines sky high and I know they do it either for me or because of me, am I supposed to do something or what are they trying to tell me? I have thought of goind to their houses and ask them directly what is it that they want but I am afraid that they wont like that and may come at night and mess with my car. I could just ignore them but it is pretty freaking annoying, I don't even look at them and yet I am like a big spot on their windshield. what sould I do? any advise from personal experience or any hate is welcome maybe I can formulate an answer to why is this situation happening to me,
I live in las vegas and there is just so much hate here amongst civic drivers it is pretty ridiculus I used to drive a fairlady z and people would say how u doing. nice car and the like the vibe was so much better but when another civic or integra pulls up next to its as if I was trying to get on the girl or something.
any ideas?


Your Mom's Moderator
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Just ignore them. They will eventually give up and move on to the person that actually does give them a reaction. They are only looking for attention and if you engage that will give them the reaction they are trying to achieve.


I had a Civic once.
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Just ignore them. They will eventually give up and move on to the person that actually does give them a reaction. They are only looking for attention and if you engage that will give them the reaction they are trying to achieve.
This. I was in Vegas for New Years, and saw a TON of Z's and g35's. Made me miss my G tbh...

I barely saw ANY Civics though. OP, the people revving you up are just 'tards trying to get a reaction out of you. Just ignore them like stated above.

... then say f**k it, drop a boosted K20 in your Civic, and when they rev at you just blow them away :lol:


Mud, Blood, Beer
Registered VIP
i was going to say just ignore them, but i liek XpL0d3r's boosted k20 idea better!


New Member
Well thanks a lot!!! Really much appreciated all your comments =) great place here i will start hanging around here and support the site. And yes i will just keep ignoring them... wisest thing to do
Thanks again_______that boosted k idea aint bad though :lol:
