engine swap


Jspek kid
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depends on how much power you want and how much you want to pay

i prefer type R stuff.....but thats just me.....the majority of people get GSR's or B16A2's..........type R's and H-series are less common, but still practicle ...IMO


RIP 99'
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get yourseld a d16y8 and boost or supercharge into a monster!! LOL!!


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I would either get a B18C1 or an H22. Try to be original =P


OG スバリスト
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how is a b18c1 original? along with the b16a2 it is one of hte most popular swaps....

now, a b16a3 would be original, as they are somewhat rare... but the originality would only lie on what is stamped on the block


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how about a b16b or a b18c6


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I've heard K20a engine swaps from RSX's are becoming more popular. And it would be original for at least a little while.

Mr. Lin

Admiral Ackbar
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How general can this question get? Give us some more information besides "what motor should I swap?"


professional a*****e
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c6??? yeah, what do you want to get out of your motor? whats your hp plans? what type of driving? are you going to modify it?


OG スバリスト
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i believe the c6 is either the canadian ITR or the european ITR


master pimp
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just turbo it, unless you eventually wanna turbo a b-series...cause turbo d16>b series in any venue.


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i tryin to get the most hp without spending more than 3000 and the h22a is too much work to swap cause u have change s**t to the supension cause its so heavy


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3000 that would be perfect for a turbo setup and you beat any swap


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Just how much hp and trq can you pull out of a D16 with a turbo kit, and would the cost per hp ratio be cheaper than getting a b16b?


Jspek kid
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cowboyfun said:
Just how much hp and trq can you pull out of a D16 with a turbo kit, and would the cost per hp ratio be cheaper than getting a b16b?

turboD16 is your friend.......... http://turbod16.com/viewtopic.php?t=4140
they have some good dyno's and without a lot of mods. And turbo-ing a D16 would cost less than gettin' a type R motor cost per hp...........but like everyone knows, the B16B will have higher limits in the end, if you ever dropped that much cash into it


"hail hail to old Purdue"
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if you turbo you could also try a b18b.. it is real turbo friendly like the d series because of the lower compression ratio compared to the other b series motors.. good luck and just find what you like.. dont let someone else choose for ya cause they think something else sux..
