European and American Bumpers


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I have palced a bid for a mugen front lip and a type r back lip on e-bay for my civic. The person selling them is willing to set up a deal of £100 for the lips and postage from america to here in northern ireland. I was just wondering if any of you know if there is a difference in shape from the american bumpers abd my european civic. My civic has the rub strips on the bumpers but im not sure if the actual bumpers are a different size. Do any of you know. Yous help is greatly needed to enable me to confirm or turn down the order. Thanks.


Cool Guy
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
prolly not.. but if it's a cheap ebay knock-off replica.. it's not going to fit perfect anyway


Set This World On Blaze!!
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10+ Year Member
save your money and get a real type-r lip for the fron. looks way cleaner that the knock offs.
