Evo 8 Intercooler...lag?


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Hey guys I just had an Evo 8 intercooler thrown into my lap for very cheap and I am wondering if I am going to see a lot of lag out of a 15G at 10psi?


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how big is it dimension wise???


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umm how u gonna use it?? aint the evo 8 intercooler the end pipes r bent down aint they?? correct me if im rong......anyways shouldnt see no lag from.......


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5+ Year Member
StanghaterCivic said:
umm how u gonna use it?? aint the evo 8 intercooler the end pipes r bent down aint they?? correct me if im rong......anyways shouldnt see no lag from.......
well even if they are you can grind them off and get some same diameter pipe and weld it on.
you can measure it up and then go to a site that sells intercoolers and find a one thats about the same size and look at the hp ratings for the one on the site
