exhaust ques


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If I put an h22a in an EX, will the exhaust fit on it or will i have to make some custom thing?


La Raza #2
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which exhaust are u talking about? the exhaust manifold or a cat back?

$lick Rick

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do you mean the exhaust manifold? and trust me, the exhaust it he least of your troubles if you're doing an h22 swap... those things aren't exactly direct bolt in's if yah know what i mean


Jspek kid
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is it a coupe, hatch, or sedan? i know my friend swapped a GSR in a sedan and his exhaust stuck out far as hell so he had to cut and re-weld the piping. the exhaust manifold should be alright, but i'd worry about some axles and other suspension mods first


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ah, cat back on coupe... sorry i wasnt very specific

and thanks for the input
