Failed cali Smog hydro carbons?

94 Del Solo

New Member
Ok so I have a 94 delsol with a B16a I got the car knowing it had smog issues so recently (within 500 miles) I've put on a New cat,New plugs,New filter and a oil change car runs fine no idle problems or any other problems idk Wtf but I hate cali lol any help is appreciated I will post a pic of the paper as soon as I upload it.


100% real juice
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What about new cap and rotor and new spark plug wires? OEM or aftermarket cat? What ecu are you running?

94 Del Solo

New Member
Magnaflow cat yes New plugs and wires the dizzy is about 6months old and I running a virgin p30 ecu


Magnaflow cat yes New plugs and wires the dizzy is about 6months old and I running a virgin p30 ecu
Stock B16a3?

Any CEL codes?

Is your ignition timing set to spec -- red mark on crank pulley aligned with pointer with service connector jumped?

Is the engine running cold?

Exhaust leak in header?

Fuel pressure correct and FPR working properly?

Lazy O2 sensor?

94 Del Solo

New Member
Its the jdm b16a it's not throwing any codes I am going to replace the gaskets and double check my timing Monday at my buddys shop....what do u mean by running cold ? and how would I check my fpr thanx for the possible things it could be the smog tech told me well yea idk Wats wrong but it failed I'm like really Wtf .


New Member
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Its the jdm b16a it's not throwing any codes I am going to replace the gaskets and double check my timing Monday at my buddys shop....what do u mean by running cold ? and how would I check my fpr thanx for the possible things it could be the smog tech told me well yea idk Wats wrong but it failed I'm like really Wtf .
he means did you take it there cold . or did you drive it for a good drive let everything warm up before you did smog .


Its the jdm b16a
What was the original engine in your Del Sol - B16a3, D16Z6, D15b7?

it's not throwing any codes
Does the CEL work?

I am going to replace the gaskets...
Which gaskets?

.what do u mean by running cold?
How long does it take for the engine to fully warm up? What does the temp gauge in the cluster read when the engine is fully warmed up?

and how would I check my fpr
With the engine idling, measure the fuel pressure with and without the FPR vacuum hose connected.

94 Del Solo

New Member
I want to just apologize if I don't explain very well. I'm new on the form and this is only my 2nd Honda so thanks for workin with me. I didn't really warm my car up because the smog guy was getting ready to close and it was only about a mile from my house. I'm not sure which b16 the delsols come with but mine came with a B16 originally (its an EG2). The gaskets I'm going to replace are the head to exhaust mani,The rings on the down pipe to the mani and down pipe to the cat. The CEL works when the car comes on so I'm assuming it works I will take a pic of where the temp is normally


100% real juice
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Also have you ever compression tested it? If so what were the numbers


New Member
Your engine is fine. Your failing the JDM B16A has no egr and higher compression. I went through this with my car. The only chance on passing is a more efficient or another cat in the exhaust system. I went with a universal 2.5" OEM cat. Get rid of the Magnaflow as they almost never pass.


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Our civics have no egr because we have variable valve timing.


100% real juice
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You definitely should. And thats running way too cold. Every cluster I've seen reads a little different but thats waaaay too cold. Have you noticed it idling a little higher than usual as well? Seems like your thermostat is stuck open causing your engine to run too cold and making the ecu think it needs to warm up the engine. It's probably dumping fuel as it is programmed to do when your engine needs to warm up.


New Member
Replace your t-stat and see if it makes a difference. My b16 took forever, as in 30 min and still on cold, to warm up at idle. When a drove I was slightly under half which is normal.
