Feasibility question on turbo for smaller engines


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Well guys n gals, i've had a good read up on the FAQ's and printed off the sticky on the DIY turbo kit (explained to the wife that it may be next years project, ready for the summer).

But what really concerns me is if it would be feasible to attempt this on a 1.4, i've seen talk of the T3 with a 1.6 SOHC, but what about on a 1.4 ? The amount of boost would have to be smaller but i guess 6PSI is better than none?

Comments please :thumbs up



professional a*****e
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i wouldnt go t3 or t3/t4 on a 1.4..i wouldnt do it on a 1.6 either. im going to use a IHI RHB5 turbo, which has a t3 flange, so its very easy to find manifolds and dps for, but id suggest going out and getting a t25, but you will have to get a custom manifold and dp made for your car. which shouldnt cost more than 500 for both from a good shop. Your boost level doesnt need to be lower just cuz your engine is smaller. id say you will want to use about 7psi daily becuase i dont knw how strong your pistons are. you will need to do some fuel modifications/tuning tho, do NOT, i repeat, DO NOT skimp on that!


got boost?
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yeah the t3/t4 will deffinately b too big, but you should be fine running the same psi as a 1.6(7 psi for a daily driver)


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Thanks for the responses, i'll look into the T25 and see what we can do in terms of custome made for the rest as you mentioned.
7 psi sounds like the preferred choice for you daily driving, of course i'll post up pics as i start on the project and let you know the results.
At the moment i'm on the basic ECU - might be an idea to go Unichip or something so we can map the fuel/air better over the range when i get it tuned up.
