Finding the right ECU?


New Member
Hey guys, i am in the market for a new ECU. I need to buy either a p28 or p30 ecu. if i get one from a junkyard do i need to take it and get it specifically chipped for my engine or could i buy one off ebay thats already chipped or buy one off craigslist locally that is already chipped? Would there be a difference between one that i bought already chipped instead of a virgin p28 that i took to Slow Motion Motorsports and had them chip it for my engine? i dont know if there would be a difference... i have a frankenstein B18a1 w/ Ported GSR Head. Thanks for your help!


Team Exile/ADO Garage
Registered VIP
You definitely need to take it in to get it chipped for your car.
Every car is different and the map for one engine won't necessarily be best for your engine.
Especially since you have a ported head, which will have it's own unique port specs, you will need a unique map to compliment the better volumetric efficiency of your engine.
