first car mods


New Member
hey guys, I just bought my first car, its an ek civic coupe. I'm looking for some cheap (ish) mods to squeeze some more power out of a SOHC vtec, any suggestions?


Registered VIP
Just go ahead and forget about getting more power doing cheap mods. Not going to even touch on that...

Instead, focus on the chassis. Wheels, drop, and a good exterior detail job :thumbs up



New Member
Registered VIP
Share some pictures and please read the link CHILD posted, id appreciate it if you did.

But yeah post some pics and give us more info, i have the patience to guide you through some ideas, so take my offer up and help me help you.

Power from a d16y7 will be too costly, its not worth it.
Headers? Sound
Intake? Sound
Exhaust? Sound
Thats all they really are, a deaf person could drive in a civic without those mods, then drive in another with all those mods and will not notice the difference. (Because there isnt any)
You got a honda CIVIC, (civic meaning civil/civilian, its an economical civilian car) not a racecar. Focus more on saving money and higher MPG (miles per gallon numbers) than HP (horsepower)


New Member
thanks guys I appreciate the advice! the sticker on the side of the car says 'SOHC vtec' but im not to sure if it is, how can I find out for sure?


New Member
oh and also, I'd be more than happy to post some photos for you all to see, but I'm having trouble working out how to post them, can I get some help?


It's onski brah
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
upload your photos to photobucket or something of that sort, then you post the IMG link and the picture will show up.


New Member
Registered VIP
Not sure about Aussie laws but its just an intake manifold. As long as the IACV is working properly, then its fine.

Any photos of the exterior and interior? Take as many photos as you like dont be shy.
And if you havent already please read the link posted by CHILD above.

Based on your engine bay, Id suggest a wrinkle paint for the valve cover and strut tower bar. Any color you like.
Remove the decals, get a cleaner short ram intake (even ebays fine) and wrinkle paint that too!


New Member
ill get some more photos up soon!

as for the paint, am I able to do that myself? or is it more worth while paying a bit extra for a professional job? (I'm all for DIY jobs but wont settle for less than the best)


New Member
Registered VIP
ill get some more photos up soon!

as for the paint, am I able to do that myself? or is it more worth while paying a bit extra for a professional job? (I'm all for DIY jobs but wont settle for less than the best)
It's a simple task if you follow the online tutorials correctly. It just takes patience and good strokes. Not that hard, if you really want just buy a used valve cover and paint that so it's a straight swap and you can keep painting if you don't like it, then drive your car while it dries or something.
