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hello i am not necessarily new to the world of cars but i am new to the tuning world. i got the civic that i own now from my sister who let the car sit in front of our house for a year i bought it from her and it has been a great car very fun. so far i have cold air and a Megan exhaust. recently though i started to notice a slight sputtering at high speeds so i changed the plug wires, dist. cap, and the plugs, and the sputtering is still there i did not however replace the rotor. i have not replaced the fuel filter yet but im not sure at all what my next course of action would be i am also leaving for Florida in the next few days so ANY help at all would be appreciated.


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First off, welcome to the site.

As for your car. Can you describe the sputtering in more detail? What speeds does it start at? What RPM? How exactly does it effect your driving? Does it only happen at high speeds, or will it happen in ANY gear at the same RPM?


New Member
thanks guys im glad to have found this place :D. i will start to notice the sputtering around 30 mph all the way to about 85 i back off once i hit that mark i dont want to lean out the fuel to air ratio in the cylinders. what i think is happening is the fuel filter is clogged and not letting enough fuel in under that kind of load. i dont notice anyhting at idle up to 20-29 mph and then usually when i go above that it acts like it is missing but if it was it would be missing at all speeds and it doesnt do that i know the timing is on because there is no loss in power until the sputtering starts. i just replaced the plugs with NGK platinum with a gap of 42 on each, and the dist.cap with a stock one from an Autozone, and the plug wires also stock. but i did not replace the rotor and not sure if that would be causing that or not. any and all help will be greatly appreciated i leave for Florida within the next few days and will be driving the car there so i would like to get this done before then =) thanx
