found out


New Member
hey ppl. so i think i found out bout my v-tec engine, its not Honda, wen t to my dealer and talked to them, there guess is its a aftermarket, cuz Honda engines would have the stamp D15b8 for ex. mine just has D15b, and the number on the block doesn't even match there numbers they have listed. anything anyone one could tell me bout this engine would be greatly appericated


spoon egg

Teeth Doctor
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
motors imported from japan don't have a number stamped after the letter. If you have a d15b, it's an imported vtec engine. Your dealer is an idiot, i would stop going to them.


New Member
5+ Year Member
lol thats kinda funny... i swapped a D15b into my 97 coupe =) its the JDM version of the d16y8( EX models)
pushes about 130 ... Most aggressive VTEC out of the D series. and can handle boost of 8-10 Daily driver from my research.. u can say your JDM =)


New Member
thank gotz02skate, atleast someone know what i'm talkin bout. what else can u tell me bout this engine????


New Member
Registered VIP
Since you have the needed info you could search it on your own. Try
they have everything on every motor every.


New Member
5+ Year Member
yeah i wikipedia'd the hell out of it... it has all the compression ratings. im not familar with internal blocks stuff.. i just know my Hp.. that the Vtec Kicks harder than a Y8 or a Minime... ever since i got it i live in Vtec. mines is OBD1 and ready for a turbo kit... i was told Boost it 8 psi and ill be pissing people off... if its got low miles and u have a passion for a mini Jet engine attached to your engine.. Then boost... IMO your set... if no turbo.. Intake>headers>exhaust and then go from there.


Registered VIP
Registered OG
5+ Year Member
I think I just got dumber after reading this thread.

