Fuel Filter Change
The best way I found to replace the fuel filter is to run the car near enpty..This way you seem to have less residual fuel pressure on the line when diconnecting. For Safty you should always disconnect the Positive terminal from the car battery. Disconnect and lable the sensor wires on top of the fuel filter. With rags in hand, unbolt the top bolt. Remember the order in how the bolt and washers went. The new filter should have new washers. Keep everthing very clean otherwise a possible leak can occur due to poor sealing. Now remove the bottom line. Have a small pan to catch any fuel spillage. Disconnect the sensor from the old filter. Notice if it had a washer,teflon tape or some type of sealant. Now connect the Sensor to the new filter using the appropriate method. Now connect the filter to the lower fuel line, then the top line with the new washers. and finally the wires to the sensor. Clean everything dry. Remove any fuel rags and catch pans from the area. Reconnect the battery. Start the Car and check for leaks. This is it, Have Fun............