fuel rail /regulator/filter


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is there any need to upgrade your fuel rail pressure regulator and fuel filter for a boosted app. I have a b18b and soon will be installing my b16 head and hope to run 20 psi when its all said and done. Any input is great i would hate to spend money i dont need to spend.


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if your planning to push 20psi..it'd be real good to get a FPR so you can use it to tune on also


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you're going to need a larger fuel pump and the stock FPR won't hold back all the pressure the new bump makes. As stated above the FPR will aid in tuning also.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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you're going to need a larger fuel pump and the stock FPR won't hold back all the pressure the new bump makes. As stated above the FPR will aid in tuning also.

the stock FPR is good up to 400+whp .....

i upgraded my fuel pump to a walbro...but im still using the stock FPR.....
