garrett turbo


New Member
hi. i have a 2000 civic si with a gsr swap. and was planing to get a garrett t3/t04e turbo for my car. and i was wondering if anyone knew how much horse power i would gain with it


#1 a*****e
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hi. i have a 2000 civic si with a gsr swap. and was planing to get a garrett t3/t04e turbo for my car. and i was wondering if anyone knew how much horse power i would gain with it
there is no set number. depends on a lot of things mainly on the tune. you could have a horrible powerband with a high peak horsepower of totally unusable power or a lower broader band.

the turbo will probably handle more hp than the engine can without being built up. but u could tune it for any hp u wanted. maybe even a super low boost just to help fuel economy ;)


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Yeah. Based on ur Q, it seems like you might want to do some research on b00st. . .


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Yeah. Based on ur Q, it seems like you might want to do some research on b00st. . .
And why the to4e? Power comes from tuning. You have to build the kit around the power you want and what your motor can handle. Also on how you want to use the power such as if you want low end power or mid/high range power (log manifold/ram)
