Gauges not working


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
So a few days ago I was out in my car fixing my speakers, had the radio on but for only 20-25 min. Got done and went to start my car and it was dead, so I went inside since it was about 10.

Today I backed my moms car out, jumped my car and was letting it idle. And I noticed neither my speedo, temp, or gas gauge are working now. But my headlights, radio etc work. Whats the prob? Blown fuse I've heard?

Thanks for help


New Member
Look at the fuse box under the dash and check. If it isn't then it might be a short in the cluster or might of came unplugged(highly doubtful though)


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Alright thanks i'll check that when i get back to the house
