Getting past the kick panel to the ECU


iVTEC, do you?
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I want to do the VTEC light thing... but can someone tell me how to cleanly take off the passenger kick panel to get to the ECU box? There's a plastic plug looking this which I tried prying out, but it's stretching and stuff but doesn't seem to be moving right. Can someone tell me how to properly remove this kick panel to get to the ECU?


sTEalth MOde
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I had my ecu replaced by my n/a tune technician did it for me like in 7 minutes. Don't know how he did it though.


professional a*****e
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a vtec light..easy i have one on my car ( i did it) i hooked it up to the vtec wire from the solenoid under the hood. if you want to do it that way, ill tell you how...its simple.
