Glove compartment is stuck


New Member
So for my civic's 200k "birthday" it decided to lock it's glove compartment shut. There is no actual lock on it, as you all know, but it will not open. I tried unbolting the glove compartment at the bottom hinges. All that does is let the glove compartment hang there by the latch. I was thinking about maybe getting a little hacksaw and sawing the metal piece that the latch connects to and just buying a new latch and that metal piece. What do you guys think. Good idea? Any better ideas?


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5+ Year Member
same thing happened to me...waiting for someone to reply 2 u...


New Member
Mine did the exact same thing. A dude at midas stuck a screw driver in the bottom of the latch and messed with it until he broke it free. Picked up a overpriced handle from junkyard for 20 bucks. Then found them on ebay for 2. But just stick a screw driver in the bottom of the latch and pry it. If desperately need to get stuff out then you can unscrew the bottom of the glove box. I got pulled over when i realized mine didn't open any more. License and registration please? Oh I would officer but I can't open my glove box, I swear. I spent hours trying to open it from the top prying at that metal bar. Don't do that you will just scuff it all up. Plus hacksaw didn't work for me. Just right under the handle is a little hole.
