Good Setup Or No


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No, why buy a used homade set-up over the net? You don't know if the shaft has play or if the turbo is burning oil. you can just build your own do0d


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it's missing a wastegate and intercooler.

If you're gonna buy a homemade one.. I'd just go and make one yourself.. it'll be cheaper probably and you'll know what you're getting.


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joe7987 said:
it's missing a wastegate and intercooler.

If you're gonna buy a homemade one.. I'd just go and make one yourself.. it'll be cheaper probably and you'll know what you're getting.
the wastegate in internal on the turbo, and not all setups need an IC, but thats nowhere near enough charge pipe


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If you're going to ne more charge pie, might as well just build your own homade turbo. I bought a homade turbo kit my self but I knew the person I bought it from and knew that the turbo was good and he even gave me the tapped oil pan and all the lines.

BTW I thought you had a greddy turbo kit, or did you get rid of that?


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haha geez yeah i did have a greddy kit sold it and everything for 2000 so i was swapping the ls and turboing that... ended up going on a cruise and what not next thing you know moneys car and i'm back where i started... i think i am going with this turbo kit b/c i have a lot of parts now and i don't want to buy another greddy kit 1 b/c thats what i just had 2 b/c i would taking of the fuel management/injectors etc.... so i already have intecooler/piping/bov/injectors/gauges....... so i'm going to take my chances 100% positive feedback can't go wrong
