got an image of it


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:?: hey guys...can you help me out, so i bought the spal power window kit and they gave this schematic which im going to post/attach below. i don't have a clue as to where to connect it in the car... please help. i have circled all the parts i don't understand in the diagram. thanks for you time guys!


* oh the numbers in the box are:
30 on top
85 to the left
86 to the right
87 on bottom

thanks again


I HaVe a CaR!
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i think one post is enough


Who driving car????
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10+ Year Member
Ok, did your kit come with spal switches? Because this thing is easier to understand with the switches. I have the same kit, but have not installed it. All of the diagrams in the book are for certain switches only.

If your switches are lighted, then you will need to run a wire from your headlights to your switches. So that the light comes on when the interrior lights come on.

The other part you circled is the relay box that comes with the switches. The relay box comes with the fuse and also needs to be connected to your battery, chassis ground, and to your ignition key.

If I were you, I would get these installed at a local stereo shop that does installations so you can get a warrenty or something. Good luck!
