autopage pager alarms are teh ghey. =(
and then I bottomed out on a big ass depression from a shitty patched contruction area on scottsdale road where the metal plate to cover the construction had sunken in like 4 inches. It ripped off my lip which is now lookin great where my passenger window used to be. When I saw the plate, I tried to slow down enough, but I saw this girl in a mustang behind me right on my ass. so, to avoid having her hit me (doing her a favor from causing an accident) I tried to slow down where she wouldn't hit me and I wouldn't expletive up my car. Well, car gets f**ked up, she slams on her brakes, tires screeching, and still almost hits me.
as I'm driving with my front lip draggin under my car, she honks her horn and flips me off.
man, I wanted to punch her in the ovary.