Greddy blue box IS so bad when the boost is increase???


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HELLO, recently i buy a greddy turbo kit for civic '99 SI whit a Greddy PRofec B-Spec. 2 (boost controller) but is not yet installed. i want to increase the stock boost to 8-9psi, because the car not is D.D. THE kit come whit a new FCU (i think is the greddy blue box), to control the fuel for the new stock boost, BUT when i increase boost the engine will have the necessary FUEL to handle the INCREASE of boost??, in other word, the new FCU can handle the increase of boost???

i don't have a FUEL/air GAUGE. because i don't know how to vary the fuel mix
:???: :???: :???: :???:


professional a*****e
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ho kai, the greddy fcu is the biggest joke. if i were you, since you cant get a hold of just get a apexi vafc and do that hack, you will have a lean hole in your fuel curve....but its better than the greddy.


OG スバリスト
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v-afc hack, and fine tune it for each rev-range it offers you

sohc_vtec 2NR

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i thought the new kits now have a preprogrammed e-manage as the FMU...or did you buy it used?


professional a*****e
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v-afc is alright, but you will have a kinda big lean hole. it doesnt base fuel on boost pressure, its based on throttle....thus its a hack.
