Greddy FCU?

Green Goblin

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I have just installed the Greddy Turbo kit onto my 2000 Civic Ex. I am currently upgrading fuel pump (Walbro 255), bigger Fuel pressure regulator, and DSM 450 injectors. The kit came with this blue box called the FCU that taps into the ECU. I can not find anywhere what this FCU does. shout out! thanks.

Bangin' HB

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the blue box increases the fuel flow so you dont lean out. your putting more air in, so you need more fuel to compensate. i see you are already upgrading the fuel system (good choice with the pump) but i dont think you need new injectors with the fmu, its designed to run with your stock injectors (not sure if there would be a problem using the 450injectors with the blue) but if you plan on upgrading and pushing more psi than what the kit orig came for, get rid of the blue box and get some other fmu b/c the blue box is made to work with the stock turbo setting (the greddy runs on what, 6-8psi?)

Green Goblin

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The turbo's wastegate is set at 5.6 and i am soon to over boost. i want to push it to 10lbs some of the time. I am pickin up what ur puttin down, so what you are tellin me is that even with the new fuel pump, fuel pressure regulator, and injectors. it is still recomended to use a fmu? i have a dual boost controller so i will be switching back and forth between 5.6lbs and 10lbs.

Bangin' HB

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what im saying is if you are gonna use the blue box, keep the turbo at stock levels because thats all the box is designed to handle fuel for. if you go to 10, the box is still only gonna manage 5.6 and you will lean and most likely go boom. if you are gonna switch settings, get a good controller (stand alone maybe) to help keep the fuel settings on par with the boost settings. ohh, and i wouldnt suggest over 7psi on stock internals.


OG スバリスト
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ok, the bluebox is a piece of s**t. i recommend you read up on the v-afc hack, as this will be your best bang for the buck for fuel management right now. you'll thank me later.

btw, the vortech fmu is a pos as well.


security at its finest
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why do u say the vortech fmu is a pos? i was gona get a 12:1 vortech fmu


OG スバリスト
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because the v-afc hack is MUCH better and allows for basic "tuneability"... there's other reasons, i believe you run rich as f**k as well... visit sometime... you'll learn A LOT for your turbo setup


None Taken.
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fmu's are poor ways to manage fuel, and the vafc hack isnt the greatest either, but its better than either the blue box or a fmu. the best it a real tuneable ecu, but thats quite a bit more money. unless you find one used.


OG スバリスト
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well v-afc is the most affordable solution that works well... other than that.. maybe chipping or hondata (although i heard u need odb1).... this guy on is getting the AEM EMS... still waiting to hear how good it is...

Green Goblin

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What would be the probablility of the V-afc breking down, it is a electronic device. wouldnt I be more safe with something mechanical like a fuel pressure regulator and just leave it rich? I have now many different ways I can set up this fuel system in my car and I just want to Get the right one.


OG スバリスト
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your car's ECU is an electronic device. if there's an electric breakdown u won't be able to drive the car anyway... since the ecu handles your fuel maps


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how about this belongs in forced induction :roll:


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is it bad to run an afc if u have a greddy blue box?

For example havin 450 injectors, fuel pump, regulator.....
can i take out the greddy blue box? Will it run better with out it?


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get a hondata s200 with boost option, take it to an experienced professional, have it tuned, throw away the "blue box"


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cool thats what im planin on gettin but i was thinkin for now to take out the blue box since i think i have enough fmu's.


OG スバリスト
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somewhat. the blue box is the predecessor of the e-manage. the e-manage is very similar in structure to the blue box, and basically is a tunable bluebox.


Rice Racers
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so with the e-manage, you can tune a little bit of the a/f? but not to the extreams of the 1000$kits? could u tune it to handle 10-12psi?


OG スバリスト
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it is possible to adjust the amount of fuel injected, i believe... u still need to hook it up to a wideband o2, though. . . greddy sells a portable tuning gadget for it. . . .
