Greddy Profec type-s versus the profec B-spec2


dial up ownz me
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
which do u all think is a better boost controller. i hear that the new type s is easier to use and has the new high low feature but what if u want a lower low or higher high? How would u know how much psi u are boost? the profec b-spec 2 is digital and displays the psi i believe but hear i can get frustrating? what do u all think and give opinions. thanks


dial up ownz me
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
BUMP come on now. i know ya'll see this thread and just want some opinions


5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
mmmmm i dont know about those but i recommend the greedy e01 electronic boost controller y has hell lot of features and boost display!!! ;)


dial up ownz me
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
but where to mount that huge thing though? i did look into it but i just wanna have it kinda out sight from the outside so no one gets ideas and then steal it ya know. maybe take the lower cass. by the cup holder and mount it there. i dont know i need to do some research on my opinions which is the purpose of the this thread. thanks for the reply
