

New Member
Greetings from Southern Indiana! I'm Kozy. I've been trolling around here for a while, and thought I might introduce myself. I have a tired (159,000 miles) white EJ sedan. The body is rust-free and decent. Bone stock, except the stereo. And, as soon as I figure out how to post pictures, I will. When I bought it (last summer), it ran like crap and had a leaky radiator, also a cracked exhaust manifold. I replaced the radiator, gave it an ignition tune up (spark plugs looked like they were melted) along with new wires, cap and rotor, and had the manifold welded. I'm thinking I want to upgrade the mechanicals, such as suspension (seems performance stuff runs about the same price as OE), and leave the rest stock looking - a sleeper, if you will. I see these ricer kids around where I live with stickers on their cars, and we all know that stickers make your Honda faster. I want to show them up without letting on.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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    Remember, just have fun. We're all here for a reason, a love of cars. If you can remember this, you'll do fine!


New Member
Posting Pics...

It seems I figured out how to do the whole Image Shack thing.
Here's a pic of my EJ shortly after I bought it last summer.
