Have questions and need some help on my turbo set-up.


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5+ Year Member
Have any of you heard of a back-door intercooler system? I just question cause I haven't seen my kind of turbo set-up. My turbo out-let points straight forward and connects to the back of the intercooler right away, instead of pointing down and then piping going around to connect to the side of the intercooler like I'm used to seeing. And as for the downpipe, it's custom "pie" welded. And the manifold has the wastegate going out to the left and a pipe coming off the wastegate going straight down to the grown, instead of the wastegate coming out from the middle of the manifold or to the right like I'm used to seeing too. The B.O.V. and wastegate are Tial. I ALSO WANTED TO ASK WERE YOU CAN BUY BOLTS FOR YOUR TURBO CAUSE MINE IS MISSING 1 ON THE BACK OF THE TURBO THAT BOLTS IT TO THE MANIFOLD and thats what cause my block to seize because my car was leaking boost and instead of recycling the oil back into the oil pan it was burning it up AND MY STUPID FAULT FOR NOT CHECKING THE OIL. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me. AND REMEMBER CHECK YOUR OIL!!!!!!!!
