Headlights are killing me


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5+ Year Member
I thought it would be an easy fix. Buy a headlight... put it in, but it's turning into a nightmare.

I've searched and search for information, but I can't find anything specific to my 2004 Civic Si.

Every place I look says "turn the lamp clockwise" but there were three phillips head screws holding in the lamp. It is almost impossible to reach them on the driver's side. I loosened the battery and this gave me just enough room to hurt my fingers. I was able to get the lamp out, but then I realized that it was the bright lamp instead of the dim... so now I have to make amends.

I tried going here http://www.ahm-ownerlink.com/Model/mdl_manual.asp to get my owner's manual, but when I download it, all I get is the fricking table of contents. I can't get the full manual for instructions.

I have to pick up my kids right now, but the stupid bright lamp is dangling from the socket. One of the screws fell down and disappeared and I'm literally yelling and screaming in frustration.

Why in the name of anything holy would Honda make it so fricking hard to change a headlight? I was reading about something about taking bumpers off... I thought this would be a 15 minute job, but I realize that it will be a lifetime challenge. And it's cold. So cold. Why do things have to break when it is cold outside?!

Help me. Please. I beg you.

Point me to step by step directions for changing the driver's side headlight and/or the owner's manual for this car.

Thank you!!!!



New Member
5+ Year Member
Whoops... I figured it out. The screws are a red herring. It is as easy as twist counter clockwise and replace. My apologies to Honda... but I still don't know why i can't get the owner's manual for my car?!

Oh, and I only have two of those screws holding in the bright light... grrr... need to fix that ASAP I'm sure.


always better marinated
thank you. reading this made me feel better. i bought a whole exhaust from e gay and they didnt send me a test pipe, bieng one of my first upgrade experiences I actually thought I was doing something wrong. my neighbors thought I was stuck because I was under my car screaming at the top of my lungs.
