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out on bail
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A trip to the doctor today bearing some bad news had me thinking about all that's wrong with me, feeling like a broken toy or something. But I know I'm not the only one in the world with health problems so I thought it would be cool to maybe share your health problems and what you do to help prevent them or maybe make them better. This is a total shot in the dark but It would give members a better understanding of each other and that we're all human.

I personally have a problem with kidney stones. I pass easily at least one stone a month, and it's been like that ever since the summer between fifth and 6th grade. They told me it was unheard of to have them at that age and they still tell me it's not very common at my age. This problem has caused irreparable damage to my urinary system as well as reproductive system. I may not be able to have children because of problems developed from this condition. But that's where I draw the line. It gets far more explicit and in depth but that's the jist of it.

I drink absolutely no carbonated beverages (coke, sprite, etc). I drink mostly just water but if I drink anything else it's juice.

I'm supposed to abstain from eating any excessive amount of salt and sugar but that's the hard part.

I don't drink much milk, I can't take vitamins unless they're water soluble, and if I work out I have to drink ungodly amounts of water. I drink so much water that I prefer drinking room temperature water vs refrigerated because I can drink it faster. Lol

I also have diminished hearing in my right ear. I had tubes in my ears since I was a small child and eventually my right eardrum collapsed and I was deaf in that ear for a while around middle school an I had a tempoplasty(sp?) operation where they took skin from behind my ear and made me a man made ear drum. It works but it's not as functional as my normal ear. When I'm in the car listening to music I have the right window rolled up and the left one down so the sound bounces off the right window and its louder in my right ear. Headphones suck.

I have to wear ear plugs when I shower because water goes through skin (man made ear drum) and will cause an infection if built up.

I used to skateboard as a kid from
8 years old to 16. I had somewhat fragile bones from the lack of calcium in my diet because calcium was believed to be the root cause of my kidney stones at the time. And I've broken 28 bones in my lifetime. All my fingers, all my toes, both arms at the elbows, and wrists. And both my ankles. Couple ribs but I don't count those as broken bones. I'm gonna hurt when I grow old. Badly.

Anyways that's my medical history in a nutshell. I don't want to pressure anyone into posting anything they aren't comfortable sharing but sometimes it just feels nice to share.

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I have bad joints. I've got a partially torn ACL in my left knee, and I've had scar tissue arthroscopically cleaned out of my left knee. I have two partially torn tendons in the rotators cuff in my left shoulder from a dislocation I had two years back. My collar bones grind when I rotate my shoulders. I haven't gone to the doctor to figure out why, because I just frankly don't care anymore. My body is messed up, and I'm dealing with it. How do I handle it? I don't. I'm probably creating more scar tissue in my knee and shoulder by all the running and strength exercises I'm doing. I have a 90% chance that I will dislocate my shoulder at least once more in my life, so that should be fun.


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Might wanna see the MD, bro

Saw that bit about your shoulders grinding, and it struck a chord.

I have had surgery on both shoulders, and that grinding you feel may be entirely fixable.

Sounds like you hit the weight bench pretty good, and thats great, but repeated trauma can cause very small cracks in the bone at the joint. As it was explained to me (i'm no MD) Your body floods the crack with calcium to fix it, and just like when you fix anything with glue, a bit always comes out on either side: thus bone spurs. Eventually these start making your shoulder look like a cave with stalagmites, and they irritate the hell out of everything. Because of the friction with movement, it never really heals unless the doc goes in with arthroscopy and grinds them off.

Its an outpatient proceedure, with about a 2 week down time and about 3 months of physical therapy, but if you have good insurance, I would definately go for it.

Anyhow, just wanted to give you my 2 bits, having gone thru it myself.

check out the below:

or hit google under "Mumford Proceedure" for the corrective surgery.


out on bail
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Saw that bit about your shoulders grinding, and it struck a chord.

I have had surgery on both shoulders, and that grinding you feel may be entirely fixable.

Sounds like you hit the weight bench pretty good, and thats great, but repeated trauma can cause very small cracks in the bone at the joint. As it was explained to me (i'm no MD) Your body floods the crack with calcium to fix it, and just like when you fix anything with glue, a bit always comes out on either side: thus bone spurs. Eventually these start making your shoulder look like a cave with stalagmites, and they irritate the hell out of everything. Because of the friction with movement, it never really heals unless the doc goes in with arthroscopy and grinds them off.

Its an outpatient proceedure, with about a 2 week down time and about 3 months of physical therapy, but if you have good insurance, I would definately go for it.

Anyhow, just wanted to give you my 2 bits, having gone thru it myself.

check out the below:

or hit google under "Mumford Proceedure" for the corrective surgery.

See? This is what I was hoping for. Good old community reaching out to help one another.

Keep em' coming :D

Avant Uprising

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I had druggy parents when I was born so I am allergic to alot things doctors say its has something to do with skin cells idk so no direct contact with perfume items scented soaps ect..... I also have dishydrotic eczema due to the years of problems. Fractured pelvis put me in a wheel chair for months and my knees are horrible. Broke my right wrist from a two story fall so I have tons of trouble with it still good thing im a lefty. Chronic headaches from stress. Etc this is a little bit about me and more to come. Family history of cancer diabetes and heart attacks

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out on bail
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I had druggy parents when I was born so I am allergic to alot things doctors say its has something to do with skin cells idk so no direct contact with perfume items scented soaps ect..... I also have dishydrotic eczema due to the years of problems. Fractured pelvis put me in a wheel chair for months and my knees are horrible. Broke my right wrist from a two story fall so I have tons of trouble with it still good thing im a lefty. Chronic headaches from stress. Etc this is a little bit about me and more to come. Family history of cancer diabetes and heart attacks

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This all goes to show we're all just human.
Sucks about the headaches. You ever tried weed for it?


#1 a*****e
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I only have one kidney. Lab reports found some chemical imbalances with my liver. that led to having an ultrasound to check if my liver was ok and apparently my left kidney is no where to be found.


gt CasaNova
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All I have is bad lungs but that's from smoking. Im sure my knees and right shoulder arent in condition that they should be but thats from playing sports all my life.


B20: Detroit Muscle!
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im starting to encounter the wonderful genetics of bad knees passed down by my father. I like to run but I try and take it easy and make sure I stretch really good before each run. My dad is in his 60's and his doc told him to stop running.

i have weak blood vessels in my nose, and I get frequent nose bleeds. this also was passed down by my father, but my condition is far worse. when i was younger i would get them several times a week, now i generally get them whenever the weather changes, or when its just straight up dry and cold outside. fall/spring really blows, especially at the times when the weather fluctuates back and forth like crazy. i have been told this is due to the frequent atmospheric pressure changes and my nose blood vessels are too weak to handle it so they burst. i don't get them as bad now, but i still get them enough to annoy the crap out of me, but they just don't last as long. when i was younger sometimes they would last for a few hours. Ive been taking daily doses of vitamin C everyday since i was about 7 yrs old, apparently Vit-C strengthens your blood vessels. if i ever skip a day or two, i will get a small nose bleed. it sucks because people who do not know me very well think im a coke-head lol.


Has no filter
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-I have arthritis in both my knees and ankles from breaking them all, and it's spreading to my hips.
-My hips have shifted almost a full inch(not common for my age but it is for the elderly). My right is lower than my left and it's causing my spine to curve, and I need a hip adjustment. I won't be able to walk for a bit though when that happens so I'm putting it off.
-I have carpel tunnel in both wrists, and it's to my elbow in the left, and to the shoulder in my right.
-I have a heart condition
-Recently diagnosed w/ hypo thyroid disease, which explains the weight gain, but now it's reeking havoc w/ my heart condition.

I've started taking this stuff from Vitamin World that helps with joints. Vic(vfj915) takes it and told me to get it. It works wonderfully but I can never remember what it's called.


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chronic headaches from stress. Tension headaches and anxiety. Stress has cause me to have digestive problems. 9 out of 10 times I see a doctor my blood pressure is low and no one can answer me why. Insomnia and a crackhead like caffiene addiction.

Old man has diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension,bad kidneys, dying pancreas, just had two big spots of melanoma removed and he's 41. Trying to not end up with the same issues as him.


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I grew up with asthma but for the most part grew out of it when I started playing sports. My left knee is screwed up from a football injury where I hyperextended it with all my weight on it (200 lbs) it still hurts from time to time especially when its cold. and I have a tendency to sprain my right ankle (numerous high and low sprains and have been on crutches twice because of it) other than that nothing really as far as health problems goes

got traction

i rock the sohc
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bad knees
bad back
acid reflux
hearing loss
grey hairs
...the list goes on


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curved spine
right knee shot from old injury
Punching things and fights mean my hands and fiingers been broken
Half of my front teeth are fake from fights.
back problem id rather not get into s**t goes on.


4 Banger Deluxe
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Im in bad shape for a 16 year old, Severe issues with colapsing knees, my legs are bowed ( I walk on the back edges of my feet), screwed rotator cuff. Some bad breathing issues, some form of learning dissability (math related) =), I have a good memory.... just not for math! I have hearing loss in my right ear * what?*. and the list goes on!.... also my family has a history of heart attacks, cancer, and drinking..... So far im beating the odds =) !


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At 20 years old I got a herniated disc from weightlifting. Ever since then, I've had a bad back, and probably will for the rest of my life. I cope with it by constantly stretching my hamstrings, and keeping my core strong. This helps correct my posture, balance my muscles, and remove some of the strain on my spine.

A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with gall stones.... things that overweight middle aged women are supposed to get. Those haven't caused me any issues yet, but I've been told that they will probably need to be removed at some point.

Aside from that, I broke several bones in martial art and was given a concussion once. Not much to cope with their though... it happened, it healed, I'm good.


Hell yea I suck toes!
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Knees / Loss of Hearing / Anemic (spelling?) / Short Term Memory Problem.


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carpal tunnel in both hands, broke my ankle in high school real bad and has hurt ever since, i have pretty bad anxiety in large crowds , to the point i kinda freak out. not as bad now that im a little older, and i now have neuropathy in both feet. thats about it


out on bail
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I knew everyone had their fair share of problems but DAMN. We're all gonna be in old people homes lol
