EK Maniac
Hi everyone, let me introduce myself, i'm Rizal, from Jakarta, indonesia,
i Hope all of you can be my friend...
i'm using an 6th generation 4door(sedan) Civic SO4(in indonesia, civic didn't get an EK version, except it was an built up car, so sad..)
it was Silver, mostly stock SO4 thing.. Produced on 2000, so its an facelift...
thank's for the attention, and, i'm sorry for my "bad english"....
i Hope all of you can be my friend...
i'm using an 6th generation 4door(sedan) Civic SO4(in indonesia, civic didn't get an EK version, except it was an built up car, so sad..)
it was Silver, mostly stock SO4 thing.. Produced on 2000, so its an facelift...
thank's for the attention, and, i'm sorry for my "bad english"....