Hello from an UK newbie


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm 20 and from the UK (yorkshire).
I've recently bought my first car, a 2004 Civic that wasn't treated too good, but that's why I could afford it tbh. I've fixed the most important things (like some leaks and rust near the wheels) so now it's fine. There are a few small scratches here and there so next thing is to find a way to hide them/repair them (depending on how much I can afford to spend really.

ron burgundy

New Member
Well depending on if they are
1. surface clear cloat scratchs
Or 2. crease dent scratches(like some jackass left on my car in a parking lot hit and run)

If u have the second( witch is much worse a real pain in the ass)
Ive heard nothing but good things about a GLUE PULLING KIT
U can find this on ebay for alittle over 100 bucks
Its a paintless dent repair I plan on getting one soon apears to work awsome! Bam! Problem 2 solved

If they're clear coat scratches, breath easy kuz thats no problem atall
Simple give alittle sand and clear coat =)

Or if u have or cab afford a buffer, buff the jesus outa it with a good 2 part compound or 3 part whatever, this will make ur car soo damn shiney and awsome looking,

And actually 3 wittch I almost left out is those
Damn deep scratches... threw the clear .. threw the paintt... and look pretty bad, probably accompanyd by a miner dent,
Those... im really not sure maybe a glue pulling kit..
Some OEM PAINT FROM HONDA DEALERSHIP, some clear coat, and them a nice buff,

And u could also just bondo those dent if u wanna go cheap no shame in alittle bondo, then repaint
