help: I have a non-vtec B16A, serious.


Its a celebration bitches
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I recently reunited with my vehicle after being seperated from it for about a year (i'm in the navy) and while I was gone it was stripped and broke into. One of the things they stole was my apexi v-afc, which is of a course a piggy-back computer to control your vtec engagement and air/fuel settings. This thing has to spliced into the wiring for your ecu and if unclipped your car will start but cut off when you press on the gas. So I figured out how to stop that and I rewired the wires coming from the harness into the pins of the ecu but cant find out why i can't get the vtec to cut on i tried looking at the schematics and when i think i've got it right, I don't, i'm baffled. I can feel the power in this motor without the vtec and am anxious of feeling the extra little wommmmmp! when the s**t kicks in. Help me if you can or else I'll be heading to a shop where I have to deal with there bullshit.


sTEalth MOde
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sorry man don't know

Rick James

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damn thats f**ked. try goin to the honad dealer and see what they say


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That sucks, I would look at the whole wires or maybe when they jacked the V-AFC they fuxored the ECU :( I really am only guessing tho
