Help: Importing Cars to US


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At the moment i'm station in germany, and i'm not quite sure what the rules are on, for importing cars back to the states? i've been lookin at alot of euro spec honda's they're so tempting but I just don't wanna get screwed over if I can't bring it back to the states.


Chillin' Canadian Member
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Google would be your first place to look.

Then check the state laws depending where the car will be licensed and registered to drive in.

Last, someone on here would have a similar experience and will give an input.


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I don't have any personal experience, but I remember hearing something about it being easier to get a car shipped home if you're in the military. I don't know for sure though.. and I don't know of anything in more detail than that.


Silent But Deadly
I was in Okinawa for awhile, and depending on your branch of service and your rank you can have your personal property/traffic management office ship your car. It also depends on how heavy the car is.

I don't know about the other services, but the Marines' personal property shipping office wouldn't let me ship a car over 2500lbs. They wouldn't ship it to my future permanent address, either. It would go to some port in Los Angeles.


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i'm airforce, i'm not worried about shipping, i'm just wondering on how to reg the car to the states?
