help me please


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i need a design for t-shirts and hoodies at my votech. im in auto mechanics of course. im not great with photoshop or anything. think you guys could help me out on a design? let me see em!


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It might be helpful if you post some ideas for what you want included. Asking others to create their own ideas and then give them to you PROBABLY isn't going to happen. On the other hand.. if you put forth your ideas, but lack the ability to make them a reality, people are more likely to help you.


New Member
well i dont really have any ideas.. in the past years they put 2 wrenches across each other and a spark plug with flames.. idk something like that. i juss thought someone maybe bored on here haha


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I was thinking about trying to design automotive shirts...i have a handful of T shirt ideas on my roommates computer...but its brokeded :(

What kind of designs? Like... this is my class shirt? This is my shop shirt?


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like when we go to an event where them or even in the shop anything would be sweet. thanks
So a plain black t-shirt would work?

You must not have understood my question. Are these shirts showing off your school? Your votech program? Your friends?

Im guessing your still in high school. Go find the graphic arts class, and ask the teacher to give it to the students as a project. Thats what we did at my school all the time. Programs, events, hell even the county gov got a new logo from our school graphics students.

Go there and see what you can get.


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if this was a project giving to you, you should of got an outline of the project. post that and then we can see what we can do.
