help please


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Im looking to turbo my d16y8 but i dont want to spend a ton of money. I know theres cheaper ways but I dont know everything i would need. Could someone tell me what to get and where???or if there is already a thread with all this info could you show me the link. I just really want to get my civic going. So anything will help.


Stickin' it to the man
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read all those links. they will help you decide...if you leave it up to us someone will say you need to buy a T70 and you will destroy your motor need to decide yourself on what you goals are...either you want quick power or do you want alot of power...what do you wanna do with the car? these are all questions you need to answer before you go turbo.


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i want to make my car faster but i dont want to to screw it up...basically i want to get a turbo on it for now and leave the engine stock then work on the internal stuff...


Stickin' it to the man
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theres other things that make your car faster without hurting it. a motorswap for instance.


Stickin' it to the man
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ok so you want more power. thats it? for drag raacing, autoX, to beat the guy down the streets mustang? or to just pass cars on the highway? or maybe just cause you like the sound


Stickin' it to the man
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straight line? or technical road course?


Stickin' it to the man
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ok then..what are you looking for for power? 150?175?200? more?


Stickin' it to the man
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a t3 will do you just fine then. it might spool up a lil later than the T25 the T25 will need more PSI to get you to 200 HP


Stickin' it to the man
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there is no guaruntee on a brand of a turbo that will last...people will sit here and argue about which onme they like and hate. its all on how you take care of your oil changes, type of oil, type of oil fitting you have on the turbo wether or not you use a turbo timer, how long you use the turbo timer, the amount of boost you push, the amount of thrashing you do on the turbo..things like this will be the factor in how long your turbo lasts. you could go on Ebay and pick up a T3/T4 turbo thats brand new and pay 167 bux shipped for it and it out last someones 1000 dollar turbonetics never know
