HELP SOS car wont turn on


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hello everyone
i recently prchased a 92 hb sisohc vtec wih a greddy turbo. the car was sitting for about 4 years. only been cranked once in the 4 years and it started.

so after purchasing it i:
1. changed oil and oil filter
2. changed tranny fluid
3. changed coolant
4. changed fuel filter
5. changed spark plugs
6. changed cap and rotor on dizzy
7. drained and put 2 gallons of premium gas
8. changed battery

now when i try to start it, rotates but does not want to turn over.
1. i chked the fuses and they were
2. i hear fuel pump priming
3. i have spark

wat could be my problm or wat can i chk
could my timing be off?

also i have this black box in the engine bay(size of deck of cards) one wire is conected to the iac sensor, ect sensor, and map sensor? wat does it do? only gauges in the car are boost and air fuel ratio
pic of box:

all help i appreciate it very very much

aim benzon319


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sitting that long you might need to replace all your fuel lines, and you also need to completely replace all the gas in the system. Gas only has a life of about 6-12 months.


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io_303 said:
sitting that long you might need to replace all your fuel lines, and you also need to completely replace all the gas in the system. Gas only has a life of about 6-12 months.
i drained the gas and cleaned out the fuel rail, injectors, and fuel pressure regulator


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your fuel lines are going to be gummed up after 4 years. They will be clogged

EDIT: it might have f**ked your fuel pump too


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A. did the car start after you got it or do you mean... B. it was turned over once in four years before you owned it?

if A. after you replace a fuel filter it could be hard starting the many cranks do you let it go over before stopping?


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Shea said:
A. did the car start after you got it or do you mean... B. it was turned over once in four years before you owned it?

if A. after you replace a fuel filter it could be hard starting the many cranks do you let it go over before stopping?
"it was turned over once in four years before you owned "

i cranked a couple of times and held it in a few seconds....


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try and hold it down for about 11-12 cranks, see if anything happens


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k ill try it tomoro

does anyone no wat the black box does


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eieio said:
k ill try it tomoro

does anyone no wat the black box does
It looks like one of thoes cheap ebay "power chips"


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yeah I woudl def check your timing real quick...


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T!mmy said:
yeah I woudl def check your timing real quick...
goin to chk timing belt tonight

i sprayed starter fluid in the manilfold it almost strarted but kept bogging out
so im goin to put my oney on the timing belt now
