
platano ranger
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
heres the deal. my car is stuttering like a lil biatch. its my stock motor daily beater until i finish with my project but id still like it to run nice. welllll...i just did a tune up so we can cancel out dizzy, plugs, wires, cap, fuel filter.

the problem: it started out being that it would hesitate under 3500 rpms...wont it would reach that it would let loose. but it would be stutterin and holdin back it does it when ever i give it gas. if i feather the pedal and stay at one speed it wont but as soon as i give it gas it starts up again. and it only does it when theres a load on the car cuz i drop in neutral and rev it and its fiiiiiiiiine. but as soon as i put in gear is runs like s**t. ive seen other people ask about this so i assume its a common problem but ive never seen an answer. i put a bottle of fuel system cleaner to see if that would help but so far nothing. my other guess would be that its the fuel pump.

if anybody has any good ideas let me know
thanks in advnace


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Sorry I can't help much but I know that it's not the fuel pump it's electric so it's one of those things it works or it doesn't.If it was messed up you car wouldn't even start.I would try the fuel filter. When they get dirty they can make your car run like crap.Also I would check for vacuum leaks around your intake manifold. 8)


platano ranger
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
2faz4u said:
Sorry I can't help much but I know that it's not the fuel pump it's electric so it's one of those things it works or it doesn't.If it was messed up you car wouldn't even start.I would try the fuel filter. When they get dirty they can make your car run like crap.Also I would check for vacuum leaks around your intake manifold. 8)
well its neither of those...the fuel filter is a month old and if i had a vaccuum leak the idle would not be steady and it would be surging.. theres no surgin going it sounds like im makin popcorn out my muffler


its all about VTEC!
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
could be ur tps! my muffler makes a popping noise when i have the tps disconnected...hows ur fuel economy?


platano ranger
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
antivic said:
could be ur tps! my muffler makes a popping noise when i have the tps disconnected...hows ur fuel economy?
tps? i hear it in the muffler but u feel it the way the car is driving. fuel economy well before i was gettin 300 miles with half a gallon left on a 10 gallon tank. im still gettin about that.


its all about VTEC!
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
ur throttle position sensor, try disconnecting it and see if it anything differs, if not i would just say put it on a dyno ;X


mmmmmm ta ta's
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
im pretty sure its your idle air control valve. my friend had the saem problew you have


mmmmmm ta ta's
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
take it to a shop and get a free estimate, have some honda techs look at it to tell yeah theyll know just by futzin with it. if you know the sensors and how they work just mess with um and youll figure it out.
