HELP WITH 450cc install


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hey guys i have a 00 civic si and im in the process of boosting i wanted to know when i connect my in line 10 watt resistors to my injectors which wire do i solder it to?? is the yellow wire with the black line that every injectors have in it or is the the different color wire on each injerctor?? thanks im using 450 cc blue tops

Jay Jay

Staff member
its the yellow and black wires on each injector


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5+ Year Member
thanks ok i got another question with the VAFC installed on my si will my car run rough when it is cold and do i have to let it warm up to operating temps to drive?? because my frined has a 90 teg that does when it is cold


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5+ Year Member
cuzzfolk99 said:
thanks ok i got another question with the VAFC installed on my si will my car run rough when it is cold and do i have to let it warm up to operating temps to drive?? because my frined has a 90 teg that does when it is cold
if you can find someone that can tune the vafc, you wont have that problem. plus, you need to let the vafc start up 'til you see what ever you're monitoring or it will have trouble starting.
