help with a thought


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i wanted to assk if there could be a chance that a automatic prelude engine could be succesfully swaped into a 99 honda civic...i kno i kno i cnat drive stick well and i am tryin to do everythign i can to make me automatic civic coupe fast. i want to do the swap if its possible and if anyone knows an estimate on how much the swap and the engine might cost please le tme kno. also is there any component that can make an automatic car shift later like when shifting in a manual?? thank you for you time


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You can slap a Prelude engine + tranny in there, and the 97+ Prelude has that "Autostick" tranny. But, it'll be a real pain the rear end. You'll have to run a new harness, wire it up, and your car will be front-heavy with that massive 2.2 in the front.

Stick isn't too hard. I'd give it 48 hours before you're a pro, and I say go for it. If you're looking for a little bit of action, even a 1.5 Civic with a 5 speed is a ton of fun.

If not, you might want to consider a Jackson supercharger, or a turbo kit.


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yeha i was thinkin rather thatn do a whoole swap just work with what i got if i just put a turbo charger in it would save me a lot of hassle is a dx so if i put a turbo in it how fast do you think it would go?


Exit Speed Garage
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shaun99civic said:
yeha i was thinkin rather thatn do a whoole swap just work with what i got if i just put a turbo charger in it would save me a lot of hassle is a dx so if i put a turbo in it how fast do you think it would go?
about as fast as my car stock...haahaha jp, but not fast at all

Tap it

NA is Best!
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whats with all these posts that SHOULD be in the engnie tech forum! *end rant*

mod pls move this.


Not Fittin In...
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(tiptronic lude = rather have a hyndai) < mah ej8


ScAre CrOw
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shaun99civic said:
i wanted to assk if there could be a chance that a automatic prelude engine could be succesfully swaped into a 99 honda civic...i kno i kno i cnat drive stick well and i am tryin to do everythign i can to make me automatic civic coupe fast. i want to do the swap if its possible and if anyone knows an estimate on how much the swap and the engine might cost please le tme kno. also is there any component that can make an automatic car shift later like when shifting in a manual?? thank you for you time
it isnt hard at all to drive stick it took me less then a week of driving only like 4 days n only bout 1/2 hour a day with my bro yellin n what not.. only thing thats gunna be hard is 1st or goin up hills once u get both ur str8.. ive been drivin on highways n stuff for the last 3 months n to me stick is alot more fun way faster n u do pay a lil more attention to everything i noticed that alot... im only 16 i jus got my permit but be4 that i would take my brothers cars out round town auto or stick but i really didnt know how 2 drive stick.. but now im pretty damn good i can be a 8sec driver if i had a fast enuff car JP but who knows
